Had a technical problem with the camera, forgot the memory card so only had a small bit of internal memory to record video with, so its low res and short, but we got some great lift in between the rain showers. Blowing about 30 mph, square onto the hill. Lift always a bit strange and blustery at Barbon, unlike Tow Scar, Barbon seems to get better the stronger the wind, but EM works better than reversal. The rain pulled the wind around a few times and we had to retire to the sports brella a couple of times to escape the odd rain shower that you could see coming in on the horizon.
Pity I forgot the memory card as the sun came out eventually and we got some awesome light with the dark black brooding rain clouds giving some good contrast. Eventually the wind got quite turbulent with the more frequent rain showers, complete contrast from yesterdays sublime smooth lift of Parlick, but classic F3F conditions make good F3F practise!
Barbon New Years Day 2013 from Tom Foreman on Vimeo.
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